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Serenity peace meditation
Serenity peace meditation11

You’re just 8 minutes away from a peace of mind.

Suddenly, as I walked back home, I got overwhelmed with pure happiness. 

I felt so joyful and weightless, I started jumping around with a big smile on my face. 

I recognized a sensation of belonging.

I knew I belong here in this place, this world, this universe.

I felt that everything is exactly as it should be. Perfect. 


What made it possible was the state of mind I was in.

You see, I have spent some time journaling and meditating in nature just before that.

Allowing me to calm down my mind. 

I was in peace with my life, my mind and the world around me.

I was in the flow of the universe.


The truth is, such experiences cannot be passed on.

I can try to describe it to you, but words are too limited.

Everyone has to experience it for themselves to understand.

And that’s what I want to help you with.


I can’t promise you mystical experiences.

But I have made a tool for you to help you get to a different state of mind.

Discover deep inner peace as I’ll guide you to let go of overthinking and resisting reality.

Then, the mind can be turned off, dissolving the barrier between you and happiness.

And when you experience your silence in the present moment…

Magic can happen.

This meditation will bring you to the present moment and leave you feeling much lighter.”

“I have listened to this meditation several times now and each time it is exactly what I need, even if I didn’t know what that was. Misha’s voice and cadence is perfect and soothing. I feel a great sense of ease and peace after listening. This meditation is for you if you are seeking to feel at ease and peace no matter if you are feeling extremely overwhelmed or just meh in the mundane daily grind, this meditation will bring you to the present moment and leave you feeling much lighter.”

This meditation will bring you to the present moment and leave you feeling much lighter.”
Jaki Waldvogel
Human Design Guide

If you want to have a similar experience, please enter your email address so I can send you the recording.

Then just find 8 minutes for yourself and let my voice guide you to enjoy your inner silence.

Why would an artist like myself create a meditation?
Long story short, I don’t consider myself to be only a painter.
Actually, everything I do is about sharing what I’ve learned, my own growth, and self-development.
In essence, I want to share with you how to live a better, more fulfilled, and happier life.

I want to inspire you to go do things that might seem impossible for you.
I don’t want you to doubt yourself.
There are too many good people capable of doing great things for this world that just need more trust in themselves to do so.
That’s why I’m here.
To be your support, one I never got when I was younger.
But more on that later…