
Oil painting on canvas


60×40 cm




CZK 22 000 (cca $1027)

About the Artwork

What is money? How do you feel about money? What is your relationship with money like? Have you ever spoken with it? Does it want to tell you something?

I wasn’t really thinking much about these things when I was younger. Then I learned in books that it might be a good idea to look into my relationship with the energy of money by writing a letter to it. Through the years I have written a few and every time felt some kind of a shift. It also showed me how erratically I was behaving towards it.

Then one night I saw a story on Instagram by Domè Moon (@dome_moon_art) where she was sharing about how it helps to imagine the energy of money as a person with whom you have a close relationship to see even more clearly the dynamics of your relationship.

I remembered this after some time as I was writing yet another letter. In the letter, I wrote my wish to speak with money directly. Then I got an idea to put the letter aside and lay in the bed for a moment. I wanted to try to connect with it. What happened afterward was mind-blowing.

The money came to me. It appeared before me in a woman’s body and said something I really wasn’t expecting.

I imagined she would be bitter or angry with me after all those years I hated it, felt all kinds of negative emotions towards it while, at the same time, being needy and fearful of letting it go. There is also a very popular opinion that money is evil, filthy, dirty, and all kinds of negative stuff.

But there she was. Totally different. And with all the love and kindness she told me this:

“I am here for you, always.

I don’t need anything from you. All I want is for you to be happy. That is what I want.

For you to grow and make your dreams come true.”

I truly didn’t see this coming. If money itself wants me to have more money, what else could be holding me back but my own feelings of unworthiness?

I remember this moment very clearly as if it happened yesterday. It really makes you rethink your whole life and all of your beliefs you had around money after speaking to money directly.


How many people who say that money is bad have actually spoken with it?

Money Wallpapers

I have decided to make wallpapers inspired by this painting so that you can experience the artwork and let it support you everywhere you go.

If you feel like you could use more of this energy in your life and want to connect with the essence of money, feel free to download wallpapers.

You also get an access to my other wallpapers.

If you have any kind of trouble with the wallpapers or are unsure about anything, send me a message here.