Serenity 5k desktop827
Serenity 5k desktop824

You’re just 8 minutes away from a peaceful mind.

If you want to relieve yourself from overthinking, you need to let go of control and resistance to reality.

The very best thing is to be guided through it, because then you only need to listen and be.

That’s why I’ve created a recording for you that I’ll send you for free after you enter your email.


Tranquility has recently become a luxury in our fast-paced society.

We have become slaves to our minds, constantly stressed and busy.

Fortunately, I have found a remedy that has helped me many times and now I want to give it to you.

“This meditation will bring you to the present moment and leave you feeling much lighter.”


“I have listened to this meditation several times now and each time it is exactly what I need, even if I didn’t know what that was. Misha’s voice and cadence is perfect and soothing. I feel a great sense of ease and peace after listening. This meditation is for you if you are seeking to feel at ease and peace no matter if you are feeling extremely overwhelmed or just meh in the mundane daily grind, this meditation will bring you to the present moment and leave you feeling much lighter.”


Jaki Waldvogel
Human Design Guide
Guiding You Home To You

Just in 7 minutes.

Submit your email address below so I can send you the free recording.

Then just take 7 minutes for yourself, let my voice guide you and enjoy your peace.

All I care about is finding someone who can benefit from my work.

May it help you in the best way. ♥